KIT Course: Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems (Wi'22)

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Textbook chapters for the individual lectures are linked below, including supporting slides marked with (S) and supporting videos marked with (V). Neither slides nor videos always cover the full lecture.
(V) = videos      (S) = slides


DateLecture NotesChExtra
Mon24.10.Cyber-physical systems: introduction1(V) (S
Thu27.10.Differential equations & domains2(V) (S
Mon31.10.Choice & control3(V) (S
Thu03.11.Ü: Modeling cyber-physical systems
Mon07.11.Safety & contracts4(V) (S
Thu10.11.Dynamical systems & dynamic axioms5(V) (Scode 
Mon14.11.Truth & proof6(V) (S
Thu17.11.Control loops & invariants7(V) (Scode 
Mon21.11.Ü: Verifying cyber-physical systems
Thu24.11.Ü: Verifying CPS with KeYmaera Xcode 
Mon28.11.Differential equations & differential invariants10(V) (Scode 
Thu01.12.Differential equations & proofs11(V) (Scode 
Mon05.12.Ghosts & differential ghosts12(V) (Scode 
Thu08.12.Ü: Proving unsolvable differential equationscode 
Mon12.12.Hybrid systems & games14(V) (S
Thu15.12.Winning strategies & regions15(V) (S
Mon19.12.Winning & proving hybrid games16(V) (Scode 
Thu22.12.Ü: Winning and proving hybrid gamescode 
Mon09.01.Axioms & uniform substitutions18(V) (Smore
Thu12.01.Verified models & verified runtime validation19(V) (S
Mon16.01.Virtual substitution & real equations20(V) (SFM'21
Thu19.01.Virtual substitution & real arithmetic21(V) (SCH, extra
Mon23.01.Ü: Comprehensive CPS correctnesscode 
Thu26.01.AI for verification & verification for AI(SAAAI'18,NeurIPS'22
Mon30.01.Hybrid systems & continuous completeness(SLICS'12,JAR'17
Thu02.02.Hybrid systems & discrete completeness(SLICS'12,JAR'17
Mon06.02.Differential equations & completeness(V) (SJACM'20
Thu09.02.Ü: Complete considerations in CPS
Mon13.02.Distributed systems & hybrid systems(SLMCS'12
Thu16.02.Ü: Outlook and preparation
Thu09.03.Exam: 10:00-12:00, 10.11 Hertz-Hörsaal

The lecture schedule is tentative!

The chapter numbers indicated above refer to the following textbook:

  1. André Platzer.
    Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems.
    Springer, Cham, 2018. 659 pages. ISBN 978-3-319-63587-3.
    [bib | | doi | slides | video | book | web | errata | abstract]

Textbook: Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems