CMU 15-122: Principles of Imperative Computation (Sp'13)

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15-122: Principles of Imperative Computation
    (Spring 2013)
Instructors: André Platzer and Rob Simmons
Units: 10
Semester: Spring 2013
Time: Tue Thu 9:00-10:20
Place: GHC 4401
Recitations: Wed Fri
Questions: Piazza course communication
Autolab: Hand in solutions to programming assignments
Directory: /afs/
This course is listed in Computer Science as 15-122 at Carnegie Mellon University
C0 Language Piazza Autolab
15-122: Principles of Imperative Computation - Schedule
For students with a basic understanding of programming (variables, expressions, loops, arrays, functions). Teaches imperative programming and methods for ensuring the correctness of programs. Students will learn the process and concepts needed to go from high-level descriptions of algorithms to correct imperative implementations, with specific application to basic data structures and algorithms. Much of the course will be conducted in C0, a subset of C amenable to verification, with a transition to full C near the end.
This course prepares students for 15-213 and 15-210. NOTE: students must achieve a C or better in order to use this course to satisfy the pre-requisite for any subsequent Computer Science course.
15-112 Fundamentals of Programming (or equivalent)
15-151 Concepts of Mathematics (co-requisite, or 21-127)
21-127 Concepts of Mathematics (co-requisite, or 15-151)
There is no course textbook.
Lecture notes and other resources will be provided.
Grading will be based on 9% Quizzes, 20% Midterms, 25% Final, 46% Assignments
Assignments: There are 9 assignments worth a total of 460 points
Quizzes: There are 7 quizzes, the lowest score will be dropped, worth a total of 90 points.
Midterm 1: 100 points, Tue 02/26 during lecture time. Closed book, one double-sided sheet of notes permitted.
Sections A‑E GHC 4401
Section F NSH 3305
Section G if (last name starts with A-Q)
then NSH 3305
else NSH 1507
Section H NSH 1507
Spring 2013 (sample sol)
Midterm 2: 100 points, Tue 04/09 during lecture time. Closed book, one double-sided sheet of notes permitted.
Sections A‑E GHC 4401
Section F NSH 3305
Section G if (last name starts with A-Q)
then NSH 3305
else NSH 1507
Section H NSH 1507
Spring 2013 (sample sol)
Final: 250 points, Mon 05/13, 5:30-8:30pm, room TBA. Closed book, one double-sided sheet of notes permitted
Section A UC Connan
Sections B‑H UC McConomy
Exams from prior semesters
Time Place Instructor Contact Office Hours
TR 9:00‑10:204401André Platzerude.tik@reztalp9103H 3:00‑5:00
TR 9:00‑10:204401Rob Simmonsrjsimmon@9101F 4:30‑6:30
AWF 9:30‑10:205222Isaac Limidl@4102Sun 5:00‑7:00
BWF 10:30‑11:205222John Wrightjswright@9101M 4:30‑6:30
CWF 11:30‑12:205222Coco Maokmao@4102Sat 5:00‑7:00
DWF 12:30‑1:205222Nivedita Chopraniveditc@4303Sun 3:00‑5:00
EWF 1:30‑2:205222Salil Joshisalilj@9101W4:30‑6:30
FWF 2:30‑3:205222Alex Cappielloacappiel@9101T 4:30‑6:30
GWF 3:30‑4:205222Josh Zimmermanjzimmerm@4303M 6:30‑8:30
HWF 4:30‑5:205222Ryan Sitrsit@9101M 4:30‑6:30
Contact emails are @andrew
Unless otherwise noted all room numbers are in GHC.
Time Place CA Contact
Sun 5:00‑7:00     4102 Jake Naviasky jnaviask@andrew
Mon 6:30‑8:30 4303 Ling-Yi Kung lkung@andrew
Tue 6:30‑8:30 4303 Arjun Haas arjunh@andrew
Wed 6:30‑8:30 4303 Brendan Barwick    bbarwick@andrew  
Thu 6:30‑8:30 4303 Pete Ehrett wpe@andrew
Fri 6:30‑8:30 4303 Only on some days. Check Calendar!
Contact emails are @andrew
Unless otherwise noted all room numbers are in GHC.
Walk-in Tutoring is available Mondays and Tuesdays, 8:30pm-11:00pm in the Mudge Reading Room.