Orbital library

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BinaryFunction
orbital.algorithm.template A framework for general algorithmic evaluation schemes including search and planning algorithms. 
orbital.logic.functor Contains template interfaces for logic functors like Predicates and Functions that can be used for generalized call-back, and functional operations based upon them. 
orbital.logic.sign.type Defines interfaces for general type systems. 
orbital.logic.trs Provides a term rewrite system (TRS) mechanism with substitution and unification. 
orbital.math Defines arithmetic objects and provides mathematical algorithms. 
orbital.math.functional Contains mathematical functors and extended functional operations. 
orbital.moon.logic Contains implementations of some logics as well as a logic and mathematical expression parser. 
orbital.moon.logic.functor Experimental additional classes related to orbital.logic.functors. 
orbital.util Provides basic utility classes useful to ease several programming tasks. 

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.algorithm.template

Methods in orbital.algorithm.template that return BinaryFunction
protected  BinaryFunction MarkovDecisionProcess.DynamicProgramming.getActionValue(Function U)
          Get the action-value cost function of an action and state.

Methods in orbital.algorithm.template with parameters of type BinaryFunction
protected  Function MarkovDecisionProcess.DynamicProgramming.getGreedyPolicy(BinaryFunction Q)
          Get a greedy policy with respect to an action-value cost function Q.
protected  Pair MarkovDecisionProcess.DynamicProgramming.maximumExpectedUtility(BinaryFunction Q, java.lang.Object state)
          Calculate the maximum expected utility (MEU) action.

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.logic.functor

Subinterfaces of BinaryFunction in orbital.logic.functor
static interface BinaryFunction.Composite
          A composed BinaryFunction.

Fields in orbital.logic.functor declared as BinaryFunction
static BinaryFunction Functionals.apply
          apply ·(·): Map(A,B)×A→B; (f,x) ↦ f(x).
static BinaryFunction Functionals.compose
          compose ∘: Map(B,C)×Map(A,B)→Map(A,C); (f,g) ↦ f ∘ g := (x↦f(g(x))).
protected  BinaryFunction Functionals.Catamorphism.f
          the function f:A×B=A||B→B used to fold the list a with.
static BinaryFunction Functions.projectFirst
          Projects to the first argument, ignoring the second.
static BinaryFunction Functions.projectSecond
          Projects to the second argument, ignoring the first.

Methods in orbital.logic.functor that return BinaryFunction
static BinaryFunction Functionals.asFunction(BinaryPredicate p)
          converts a predicate to a function.
static BinaryFunction Functionals.listable(BinaryFunction f)
          Get a listable function automatically mapping itself over lists (recursively).
static BinaryFunction Functionals.onFirst(Function f)
          Applies a function on the first argument, ignoring the second.
static BinaryFunction Functionals.onSecond(Function f)
          Applies a function on the second argument, ignoring the first.
static BinaryFunction Functionals.swap(BinaryFunction f)
          Swaps the two arguments of a BinaryFunction.
static BinaryFunction Functionals.uncurry(Function f)
          Uncurrys a curried function to a binary function.

Methods in orbital.logic.functor with parameters of type BinaryFunction
static java.lang.Object Functionals.banana(java.lang.Object c, BinaryFunction f, java.util.Iterator a)
          banana (|c,f|) a.
static int Functionals.barbedwire(int b, BinaryFunction f, int a)
static java.lang.Object Functionals.barbedwire(java.lang.Object b, BinaryFunction f, java.util.Iterator a)
          barbedwire {|b,f|} a.
static Function Functionals.bind(BinaryFunction f)
          Binds both arguments of a BinaryFunction together.
static Function Functionals.bindFirst(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object x)
          Binds the first argument of a BinaryFunction to a fixed value.
static Function Functionals.bindSecond(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object y)
          Binds the second argument of a BinaryFunction to a fixed value.
static BinaryFunction.Composite Functionals.compose(BinaryFunction f, BinaryFunction g, BinaryFunction h)
          compose: Map(B1×B2,C)×(Map(A1×A2,B1)×Map(A1×A2,B2))→Map(A1×A2,C); (f,g,h) ↦ f ∘ (g × h) := f(g,h) .
static Function.Composite Functionals.compose(BinaryFunction f, Function g, Function h)
          compose: Map(B1×B2,C)×(Map(A,B1)×Map(A,B2))→Map(A,C); (f,g,h) ↦ f ∘ (g × h) := f(g,h) .
static VoidFunction.Composite Functionals.compose(BinaryFunction f, VoidFunction g, VoidFunction h)
          compose: Map(B1×B2,C)×(Map({()},B1)×Map({()},B2))→Map({()},C); (f,g,h) ↦ f ∘ (g × h) := f(g,h) .
static BinaryPredicate.Composite Functionals.compose(BinaryPredicate P, BinaryFunction g, BinaryFunction h)
          compose: ℘(B1×B2)×(Map(A1×A2,B1)×Map(A1×A2,B2))→℘(A1×A2); (P,g,h) ↦ P ∘ (g × h) := P(g,h) .
static Function Functionals.curry(BinaryFunction f)
          Currys a binary function to a function mapping to a function.
static java.lang.Object Functionals.envelope(java.lang.Object c, BinaryFunction f, Function g, Predicate p, java.lang.Object a)
          envelope [[(c,f),(g,p)]] a.
static java.lang.Object Functionals.foldLeft(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object c, java.util.Collection a)
static java.lang.Object Functionals.foldLeft(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object c, java.util.Iterator a)
static java.lang.Object Functionals.foldLeft(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object c, java.lang.Object[] a)
          Folds a list with a BinaryFunction.
static java.lang.Object Functionals.foldRight(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object c, java.util.Collection a)
static java.lang.Object Functionals.foldRight(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object c, java.util.Iterator a)
static java.lang.Object Functionals.foldRight(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object c, java.util.List a)
          efficient foldRight for lists.
static java.lang.Object Functionals.foldRight(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object c, java.lang.Object[] a)
          Folds a list with a BinaryFunction.
static Functor.Composite Functionals.genericCompose(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object g, java.lang.Object h)
          generic compose calls the compose function appropriate for the type of g and h.
static BinaryFunction Functionals.listable(BinaryFunction f)
          Get a listable function automatically mapping itself over lists (recursively).
static java.util.Collection Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, java.util.Collection x, java.util.Collection y)
          Maps two lists of arguments with a BinaryFunction.
static java.util.Iterator Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, java.util.Iterator x, java.util.Iterator y)
static java.util.ListIterator Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, java.util.ListIterator x, java.util.ListIterator y)
static java.util.List Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, java.util.List x, java.util.List y)
static java.lang.Object[] Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, java.lang.Object[] x, java.lang.Object[] y)
          Maps two lists of arguments with a BinaryFunction.
static java.util.Set Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, java.util.Set x, java.util.Set y)
static java.util.SortedSet Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, java.util.SortedSet x, java.util.SortedSet y)
protected static void Functionals.mapInto(BinaryFunction f, java.util.Iterator x, java.util.Iterator y, java.util.ListIterator t)
          map implementation writing values into the target iterator t.
protected static Function Functionals.paramorphism(int b, BinaryFunction f)
          Paramorphism recursion functional operator (barbed wire).
static BinaryFunction Functionals.swap(BinaryFunction f)
          Swaps the two arguments of a BinaryFunction.

Constructors in orbital.logic.functor with parameters of type BinaryFunction
Functionals.Catamorphism(java.lang.Object c, BinaryFunction f)
          Constructs a new catamorphism (|c,f|):A*→B.
Functionals.Hylomorphism(java.lang.Object c, BinaryFunction f, Function g, Predicate p)
          Constructs a new hylomorphism [[(c,f),(g,p)]]:A→C.
Functionals.Paramorphism(java.lang.Object b, BinaryFunction f)
          Constructs a new paramorphism {|b,f|}:A*→B.

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.logic.sign.type

Methods in orbital.logic.sign.type that return BinaryFunction
 BinaryFunction TypeSystem.map()
          map: *×* → *; (σ,τ) ↦ σ→τ.

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.logic.trs

Fields in orbital.logic.trs declared as BinaryFunction
static BinaryFunction Substitutions.lambda
          The λ-operator of λ-Calculus.

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.math

Fields in orbital.math declared as BinaryFunction
static BinaryFunction AlgebraicAlgorithms.gcd
          Returns greatest common divisor (gcd) of two elements of an (Euclidean) ring.
static BinaryFunction AlgebraicAlgorithms.lcm
          Returns least common multiple (lcm) of two elements of an (Euclidean) ring.

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.math.functional

Subinterfaces of BinaryFunction in orbital.math.functional
 interface BinaryFunction
          This interface encapsulates a binary function "r = f(x,y)".

Fields in orbital.math.functional declared as BinaryFunction
static BinaryFunction Operations.compare
          Compares two arithmetic numbers.

Methods in orbital.math.functional with parameters of type BinaryFunction
static double Functionals.foldRight(BinaryFunction f, double c, double[] a)
static double[] Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, double[] x, double[] y)
static float[] Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, float[] x, float[] y)
static int[] Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, int[] x, int[] y)
static long[] Functionals.map(BinaryFunction f, long[] x, long[] y)

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.moon.logic

Methods in orbital.moon.logic that return BinaryFunction
abstract  BinaryFunction FuzzyLogic.OperatorSet.and()
          Defines the fuzzy AND operator to use in the fuzzy logic.
abstract  BinaryFunction FuzzyLogic.OperatorSet.impl()
          Defines the implication operator to use in the fuzzy logic.
abstract  BinaryFunction FuzzyLogic.OperatorSet.or()
          Defines the fuzzy OR operator to use in the fuzzy logic.

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.moon.logic.functor

Fields in orbital.moon.logic.functor declared as BinaryFunction
static BinaryFunction Operations.and
          Conjunction and ∧:Dt×DtDt; (x,y) ↦ x∧y.
static BinaryFunction Operations.equiv
static BinaryFunction Operations.impl
static BinaryFunction Operations.or
static BinaryFunction Operations.reverseImpl
static BinaryFunction Operations.xor

Uses of BinaryFunction in orbital.util

Fields in orbital.util declared as BinaryFunction
static BinaryFunction Setops.intersection
          intersection of two collections.
static BinaryFunction Setops.union
          union of two collections.

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.