Orbital library | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
Callback | Callback is an interface used to tag objects that can be called back. |
EventObjectListener | EventObjectListener (Notify) callback interface is a description of a listen-mechanism to react on all types of EventObjects at once. |
Class Summary | |
Activation | Activation is the base class for conditional exception handling. |
Buffer | This class encapsulates a Buffer containing bytes. |
DelegateCollection | A DelegateCollection that works as a delegator to collections. |
DelegateIterator | A DelegateIterator that works as a delegator to iterators. |
DelegateList | A DelegateList that works as a delegator to lists. |
DelegateListIterator | A DelegateListIterator that works as a delegator to iterators. |
DelegateMap | A DelegateMap that works as a delegator to maps. |
DelegateSet | A DelegateSet that works as a delegator to sets. |
DelegateSortedSet | A DelegateSortedSet that works as a delegator to sets. |
Filters | Collection filtering implementations. |
KeyValuePair | This class is a KeyValuePair that contains a pair 〈key,value〉 each of which are objects. |
Pair | Pair class combines two objects in one. |
QueuedIterator | QueuedIterator is an iterator that queues elements added to it and provides an iterator view to them. |
QueuedSequenceIterator | A queued SequenceIterator represents the (mutable) logical concatenation of other iterators. |
ReverseComparator | This class is a ReverseComparator which imposes the reverse order on a collection of objects. |
SequenceIterator | A SequenceIterator represents the logical concatenation of other iterators. |
Setops | Contains utility methods for common set operations and more general collection operations. |
StreamMethod | Base class for stream method coroutines that are concurrent and streamed architectural connectors. |
Utility | A general Utility class containing static methods for common tasks like assertion checking etc. |
Exception Summary | |
IncomparableException | Thrown to indicate that two particular elements of a partial order are incomparable. |
InnerCheckedException | This class is a InnerCheckedException which can be thrown if checked exceptions occur which cannot be declared in the throws-clause of a method, and must be wrapped in an unchecked RuntimeException to rethrow, instead. |
NotIteratableException | Thrown if an object expected to be generalized iteratable is not. |
Error Summary | |
GeneralComplexionException | This Error is thrown like an UnknownError whenever really big nonsense happens which cannot be categorized any further. |
Oops | Oops is another funny error that should not be thrown. |
OutOfCheeseError | This class is a OutOfCheeseError thrown like an UnknownError whenever really dull garbage happens which cannot be categorized further. |
SuspiciousError | This class is a SuspiciousError thrown like an InternalError whenever logical errors raise which should not normally occur for correct semantics. |
Provides basic utility classes useful to ease several programming tasks.
Also defines classes for set operations and more general collection operations.
Filters provides function implementations that can be applied on a collection to return a
filtered collection.
Selection is a more sophisticated algorithm that selects data from a Collection,
its syntax resembles SQL SELECT queries.
Advanced technology classes, worth a closer look are:
Common filters are these:
Orbital library 1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009 |