Orbital library

Package orbital.util

Provides basic utility classes useful to ease several programming tasks.


Interface Summary
Callback Callback is an interface used to tag objects that can be called back.
EventObjectListener EventObjectListener (Notify) callback interface is a description of a listen-mechanism to react on all types of EventObjects at once.

Class Summary
Activation Activation is the base class for conditional exception handling.
Buffer This class encapsulates a Buffer containing bytes.
DelegateCollection A DelegateCollection that works as a delegator to collections.
DelegateIterator A DelegateIterator that works as a delegator to iterators.
DelegateList A DelegateList that works as a delegator to lists.
DelegateListIterator A DelegateListIterator that works as a delegator to iterators.
DelegateMap A DelegateMap that works as a delegator to maps.
DelegateSet A DelegateSet that works as a delegator to sets.
DelegateSortedSet A DelegateSortedSet that works as a delegator to sets.
Filters Collection filtering implementations.
KeyValuePair This class is a KeyValuePair that contains a pair ⟨key,value⟩ each of which are objects.
Pair Pair class combines two objects in one.
QueuedIterator QueuedIterator is an iterator that queues elements added to it and provides an iterator view to them.
QueuedSequenceIterator A queued SequenceIterator represents the (mutable) logical concatenation of other iterators.
ReverseComparator This class is a ReverseComparator which imposes the reverse order on a collection of objects.
SequenceIterator A SequenceIterator represents the logical concatenation of other iterators.
Setops Contains utility methods for common set operations and more general collection operations.
StreamMethod Base class for stream method coroutines that are concurrent and streamed architectural connectors.
Utility A general Utility class containing static methods for common tasks like assertion checking etc.

Exception Summary
IncomparableException Thrown to indicate that two particular elements of a partial order are incomparable.
InnerCheckedException This class is a InnerCheckedException which can be thrown if checked exceptions occur which cannot be declared in the throws-clause of a method, and must be wrapped in an unchecked RuntimeException to rethrow, instead.
NotIteratableException Thrown if an object expected to be generalized iteratable is not.

Error Summary
GeneralComplexionException This Error is thrown like an UnknownError whenever really big nonsense happens which cannot be categorized any further.
Oops Oops is another funny error that should not be thrown.
OutOfCheeseError This class is a OutOfCheeseError thrown like an UnknownError whenever really dull garbage happens which cannot be categorized further.
SuspiciousError This class is a SuspiciousError thrown like an InternalError whenever logical errors raise which should not normally occur for correct semantics.

Package orbital.util Description

Provides basic utility classes useful to ease several programming tasks.

Also defines classes for set operations and more general collection operations.

Filters provides function implementations that can be applied on a collection to return a filtered collection.
Selection is a more sophisticated algorithm that selects data from a Collection, its syntax resembles SQL SELECT queries.

Advanced technology classes, worth a closer look are:

Common filters are these:

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.