15-812: Programming Language Semantics (Sp'15)

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DateLecture NotesExtraDue
Thu01/15Denotational Semantics: Compositionality&Full Abstraction1.4
Tue01/20Denotational Semantics: Numerals and Equivalence1.4
Thu01/22Structural Operational Semantics: Small and Big Steps1.4
Tue01/27Imperative Programs2.1,2.3-2.5
Thu01/29Coincidental Contexts2.2,2.6
Tue02/03Semantics of Program Contexts3.4
Thu02/05Full Abstraction and Relating Behaviors3.2,3.3
Tue02/10Dynamic LogicmodlogAsst 1 
Thu02/12Nondeterministic Programs: static and dynamic semantics
Tue02/17CoincidencesAsst 2 
Thu02/19Sequence Semantics
Tue02/24Proofs about Programs
Thu02/26Proofs about Loops
Thu03/05Axiomatic SemanticsAsst 3 
Tue03/10Free: Spring break
Thu03/12Free: Spring break
Tue03/17Games and Interactivity
Thu03/19Winning Strategies and RegionspdfWhite paper 
Tue03/24Winning and Proving
Thu03/26The Miracle of RepetitionpdfAsst 4 
Tue03/31Winning Repetitions by Proofs
Thu04/02Midterm Exam
Tue04/07Independent Parallel Programspdf, 7.1,7.3
Thu04/09Auxiliaries and Soundnesspdf 7.3,7.4
Tue04/14Functions, arrays, pointers, objectspdf
Tue04/18Operational Semantics of Deterministic Programs
Thu04/23Type Systems and Type Preservation
Tue04/25Semantics of Parallel Programspdf, 7.2, pdfAsst 5 
Thu04/30Shared VariablespdfTerm paper 
The lecture schedule is tentative!

Assignment Schedule

Asst 150Expression semantics and imperative programscodeTue02/10
Asst 250Full abstraction and imperative reasoningcodeTue02/17
Asst 350Frees and bounds in dynamic logiccodeThu03/05
White paper20Project White PaperThu03/19
Asst 450Reasoning and axiomatics of programscodeThu03/26
Asst 550Fun with gamescodeTue04/25
Term paper180Project Term PaperThu04/30
Sum450points listed

The Assignment Schedule is tentative!
Homework assignments are due at start of lecture on the due day.