Orbital library

Class ParallelBranchAndBound

  extended by orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralSearch
      extended by orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralBoundingSearch
          extended by orbital.algorithm.template.BranchAndBound
              extended by orbital.algorithm.template.ParallelBranchAndBound
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, AlgorithmicTemplate, EvaluativeAlgorithm, HeuristicAlgorithm

public class ParallelBranchAndBound
extends BranchAndBound

Parallel branch-and-bound algorithm.

Visits the next nodes in parallel and bound by the best solution known. Even though the implementation uses a stack of nodes, due to the parallel nature this algorithm behaves much like BreadthFirstSearch. However, the scheduling policy of the thread scheduler may introduce a probabilistic behaviour in execution speed.

Multi-Processors versus Multi-Threading on a Single-Processor

Parallel algorithms profit much from multi-processors, but their benefits are nevertheless not limited to those machines. Even single-processor systems can experience a speed-up when using a parallel variant of a simple algorithm.

The speed-up S(n) := T(1)/T(n) in execution time T(n) on an n processor system is in general in 1≤S(n)≤I(n)≤n, with I(n) := P(n)/T(n) being the parallel index of mean parallelization on an n processor system (P(n) := number of operations on n processors).

However, in rare cases super-linear speed-ups of S(n)>n can be observed due to synergy effects, even though they impossible from a theoretical perspective. In fact, they result from comparing slightly different(!) algorithms, or from more memory or larger caches. Yet, when they occur these advantages should be exploited.

ParallelBranchAndBound very often is such a case where super-linear speed-ups occur, because a parallel depth-first search no longer is depth-first in the large. In combination with the bounding, the synergetic effects result from the fact that the one thread's success may simplify another thread's job. By its sheer parallelity, the parallel depth-first branch-and-bound more resembles breadth-first search inspite of its implementation similarity with depth-first search. And this explains why using ParallelBranchAndBound can result in a better performance even on single-processor systems.

André Platzer
See Also:
BreadthFirstSearch, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralSearch
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface orbital.algorithm.template.HeuristicAlgorithm
HeuristicAlgorithm.Configuration, HeuristicAlgorithm.PatternDatabaseHeuristic
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface orbital.algorithm.template.EvaluativeAlgorithm
Constructor Summary
ParallelBranchAndBound(Function heuristic, double bound)
Method Summary
 Function complexity()
          O(d) on parallel machines where d the solution depth.
protected  java.util.Iterator createTraversal(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
          Define a traversal order by creating an iterator for the problem's state space.
protected  java.lang.Object search(java.util.Iterator nodes)
          Run the general search algorithm scheme.
protected  java.lang.Object solveImpl(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
          Implements the solution policy.
 Function spaceComplexity()
          O(bd) where b is the branching factor and d the solution depth.
Methods inherited from class orbital.algorithm.template.BranchAndBound
getEvaluation, getHeuristic, getMaxBound, isOptimal, processSolution, setHeuristic, setMaxBound, setMaxBound
Methods inherited from class orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralBoundingSearch
getBound, isContinuedWhenFound, isOutOfBounds, setBound, setBound, setContinuedWhenFound
Methods inherited from class orbital.algorithm.template.GeneralSearch
getProblem, solve
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface orbital.algorithm.template.AlgorithmicTemplate

Constructor Detail


public ParallelBranchAndBound(Function heuristic,
                              double bound)
Method Detail


public Function complexity()
O(d) on parallel machines where d the solution depth.

Specified by:
complexity in interface AlgorithmicTemplate
complexity in class BranchAndBound
the function f for which the solve() method of this algorithm runs in O(f(n)) assuming the algorithmic problem hook to run in O(1).
See Also:


public Function spaceComplexity()
O(bd) where b is the branching factor and d the solution depth.

Specified by:
spaceComplexity in interface AlgorithmicTemplate
the function f for which the solve() method of this algorithm consumes memory with an amount in O(f(n)) assuming the algorithmic problem hook uses space in O(1).
See Also:


protected java.lang.Object solveImpl(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
Description copied from class: GeneralSearch
Implements the solution policy.

Like the default solution policies, this implementation will

  1. Fetch a traversal order policy by calling GeneralSearch.createTraversal(GeneralSearchProblem).
  2. Then call GeneralSearch.search(Iterator) to search through the state space in the traversal order.
However, sophisticated search algorithms may want to change that policy and iterate the above process, resulting in a sequence of calls to those methods. They may do so by by overwriting this method.

solveImpl in class BranchAndBound
the solution found by GeneralSearch.search(Iterator).
See Also:


protected final java.util.Iterator createTraversal(GeneralSearchProblem problem)
Description copied from class: GeneralSearch
Define a traversal order by creating an iterator for the problem's state space.

Lays a linear order through the state space which the search can simply follow sequentially. Thus a traversal policy effectively reduces a search problem through a graph to a search problem through a linear sequence of states. Of course, the mere notion of a traversal policy does not yet solve the task of finding a good order of states, but only encapsulate it. Complete search algorithms result from traversal policies that have a linear sequence through the whole state space.

problem - the problem whose state space to create a traversal iterator for.
an iterator over the options of the problem's state space thereby encapsulating and hiding the traversal order.
See Also:
Factory Method, GeneralSearch.OptionIterator


protected java.lang.Object search(java.util.Iterator nodes)
Description copied from class: GeneralBoundingSearch
Run the general search algorithm scheme.

This method only needs to be overwritten to provide a completely different search scheme. Usually, the default search algorithm scheme is sufficient.

search in class GeneralBoundingSearch
nodes - is the iterator over the nodes to visit (sometimes called open set) which determines the traversal order.
the solution found searching the state space via nodes.
See Also:
Template Method

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.