BNF for LogicParser.jj


parseFormulas ::= "{" expression ( "," expression )* "}" <EOF>
| "{" "}" <EOF>
| parseFormula
parseFormula ::= expression <EOF>
parseTerm ::= term <EOF>
parseType ::= typeUse <EOF>
expression ::= FreeDeclarationExpression
FreeDeclarationExpression ::= ( <DECLARE_FREE> VariableDeclaration )* EquivalenceExpression
EquivalenceExpression ::= ImplicationExpression ( <EQUIV> ImplicationExpression )*
ImplicationExpression ::= InclusiveOrExpression ( <IMPLY> ImplicationExpression )?
InclusiveOrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression ( <OR> ExclusiveOrExpression )*
ExclusiveOrExpression ::= AndExpression ( <XOR> AndExpression )*
AndExpression ::= UnaryExpression ( <AND> UnaryExpression )*
UnaryExpression ::= <NOT> UnaryExpression
| ModalExpression
| QuantifiedExpression
| PrimaryExpression
QuantifiedExpression ::= ( <FORALL> ( VariableDeclaration | <LAMBDA> VariableDeclaration "." ) )+ UnaryExpression
| ( <EXISTS> ( VariableDeclaration | <LAMBDA> VariableDeclaration "." ) )+ UnaryExpression
ModalExpression ::= <BOX> UnaryExpression
| <DIAMOND> UnaryExpression
PrimaryExpression ::= ( Atom | "(" expression ")" )
Atom ::= CompoundFormula
| NumberLiteralValue
CompoundFormula ::= EqualityExpression
| <IDENTIFIER> Arguments
| "[" <IDENTIFIER> ":" typeUse "]" Arguments
| LambdaAbstractionPredicate Arguments
EqualityExpression ::= "(" term ( ( <EQUAL> | <UNEQUAL> | <LESS> | <GREATER> | <LESS_EQUAL> | <GREATER_EQUAL> ) term )+ ")"
LambdaAbstractionPredicate ::= "(" <LAMBDA> VariableDeclaration "." expression ")"
term ::= SumTerm
SumTerm ::= ProductTerm ( ( <PLUS> | <MINUS> ) ProductTerm )*
ProductTerm ::= PowerTerm ( ( <TIMES> | <DIVIDE> ) PowerTerm )*
PowerTerm ::= UnaryTerm ( <XOR> PowerTerm )?
UnaryTerm ::= ( <PLUS> | <MINUS> ) UnaryTerm
| PrimaryTerm
PrimaryTerm ::= ( CompoundTerm | AtomicTerm | "(" term ")" )
CompoundTerm ::= <IDENTIFIER> Arguments
| LambdaAbstraction Arguments
LambdaAbstraction ::= "(" <LAMBDA> VariableDeclaration "." term ")"
AtomicTerm ::= ( LiteralValue | ConstantOrVariable )
LiteralValue ::= NumberLiteralValue
NumberLiteralValue ::= <INTEGER_LITERAL>
ConstantOrVariable ::= <IDENTIFIER>
Variable ::= <IDENTIFIER>
VariableDeclaration ::= <IDENTIFIER> ( ":" typeUse )?
typeUse ::= type
type ::= MapType
MapType ::= ProductType ( <IMPLY> ProductType )*
ProductType ::= PrimaryType ( <PRODUCT> PrimaryType )*
PiAbstractionType ::= "(" <PI> <IDENTIFIER> "." type ")"
PrimaryType ::= <IDENTIFIER>
| "[" CompoundType "]"
| PiAbstractionType
| "(" type ")"
CompoundType ::= <IDENTIFIER> Types
Arguments ::= "(" ( Argument_list )? ")"
Argument_list ::= term ( "," term )*
Types ::= "(" ( Type_list )? ")"
Type_list ::= type ( "," type )*
BNF for LogicParser.jj Part 2


<DECLARE_FREE> ::= "$" | "free"
<EQUIV> ::= "↔" | "⇔" | "<->" | "<=>"
<IMPLY> ::= "→" | "⇒" | "⊃" | "->" | "=>"
<OR> ::= "∨" | "|" | "||"
<XOR> ::= "∨̇" | "xor" | "^"
<AND> ::= "∧" | "&" | "&&"
<NOT> ::= "¬" | "~" | "!"
<EXISTS> ::= "∃" | "?" | "some"
<FORALL> ::= "∀" | "°" | "all"
<BOX> ::= "□" | "[]"
<DIAMOND> ::= "◇" | "<>"
<EQUAL> ::= "=" | "=="
<UNEQUAL> ::= "≠" | "!="
<LESS> ::= "<"
<GREATER> ::= ">"
<LESS_EQUAL> ::= "≤" | "=<"
<GREATER_EQUAL> ::= "≥" | ">="
<PLUS> ::= "+"
<MINUS> ::= "-"
<TIMES> ::= "⋅" | "*"
<DIVIDE> ::= "∕" | "/"
<LAMBDA> ::= "λ" | "\"
<PI> ::= "Π" | "\\"
<IDENTIFIER> ::= ["A"-"Z","_"] ["A"-"Z","_","0"-"9"]*
<INTEGER_LITERAL> ::= ["0"-"9"]+
<FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL> ::= ["0"-"9"]+ "." ["0"-"9"]+ (["e","E"] ["+","-"]? ["0"-"9"]+)?
<STRING_LITERAL> ::= "\"" ~["\"","\n",...]* "\""

Quantifiers and modal operators bind strong. The precedence order is thus

where ∀ binds stronger than ∧ etc.