Orbital library

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Real
orbital.algorithm.template A framework for general algorithmic evaluation schemes including search and planning algorithms. 
orbital.math Defines arithmetic objects and provides mathematical algorithms. 
orbital.math.functional Contains mathematical functors and extended functional operations. 

Uses of Real in orbital.algorithm.template

Methods in orbital.algorithm.template that return Real
protected  Real GeneralBoundingSearch.getBound()
          Get the current bound.
 Real MarkovDecisionProblem.Transition.getCost()
          Get the cost of taking the action leading to this transition.
 Real MarkovDecisionProblem.DefaultTransition.getCost()
 Real GeneralSearchProblem.Transition.getCost()
 Real MarkovDecisionProcess.DynamicProgramming.getDiscount()
          Get the discount factor γ.
 Real BranchAndBound.getMaxBound()
          Get the maximum upper bound for a solution.
 Real WAStar.getWeight()
          Get the weighting argument W for the evaluation function.

Methods in orbital.algorithm.template with parameters of type Real
protected  void GeneralBoundingSearch.setBound(Real bound)
          Set the current bound.
 void MarkovDecisionProcess.DynamicProgramming.setDiscount(Real gamma)
          Set the discount factor γ.
 void BranchAndBound.setMaxBound(Real maximumUpperBound)
          Set the maximum upper bound for a solution.
 void WAStar.setWeight(Real W)
          Get the weighting argument W for the evaluation function.

Constructors in orbital.algorithm.template with parameters of type Real
BranchAndBound(Function heuristic, Real maximumUpperBound)
          Create a new instance of Branch and Bound search.
GeneralSearchProblem.Transition(java.lang.Object action, Real cost)
          Create a new option ⟨a,c⟩.
MarkovDecisionProblem.DefaultTransition(Scalar probability, Real cost)
          Create a new option ⟨p,c⟩.
MarkovDecisionProcess.DynamicProgramming(Function heuristic, Real gamma)
WAStar(Real W, Function heuristic)
          Create a new instance of WA* search.

Uses of Real in orbital.math

Subinterfaces of Real in orbital.math
 interface Integer
          Representation of an integer number k∈Z.
 interface Rational
          Representation of a rational number a⁄s ∈ Q.

Methods in orbital.math that return Real
 Real Real.add(Real b)
 Real Complex.arg()
          Returns the principal angle (argument) component of a polar complex.
 Real Metric.distance(java.lang.Object x, java.lang.Object y)
          Returns the distance of two objects.
 Real Real.divide(Real b)
 Real ValueFactory.E()
          e = 2.71828...
 Real Complex.im()
          Get the imaginar component.
 Real Real.multiply(Real b)
 Real ValueFactory.NaN()
          not a number ⊥∈R∪{⊥}.
 Real ValueFactory.NEGATIVE_INFINITY()
 Real Normed.norm()
          Returns a norm ||.|| of this arithmetic object.
 Real Matrix.norm()
          Returns a norm ||.|| of this arithmetic object. Returns the sub-multiplicative Frobenius norm of this matrix.
 Real Complex.norm()
          Returns the absolute |z|.
 Real Vector.norm(double p)
          Returns the norm || ||p of this vector.
 Real Matrix.norm(double p)
          Returns the norm || ||p of this matrix.
 Real ValueFactory.PI()
          π = 3.14159265...
 Real ValueFactory.POSITIVE_INFINITY()
 Real Rational.power(Rational b)
          Return ab.
 Real Real.power(Real b)
          Return ab.
 Real Complex.re()
          Get the real component.
 Real Real.subtract(Real b)
 Real ValueFactory.valueOf(java.math.BigDecimal val)
          Returns a scalar whose value is equal to that of the specified big number.
 Real ValueFactory.valueOf(double val)
          Returns a scalar whose value is equal to that of the specified primitive type.
 Real ValueFactory.valueOf(java.lang.Double val)
 Real ValueFactory.valueOf(float val)
          Returns a scalar whose value is equal to that of the specified primitive type.
 Real ValueFactory.valueOf(java.lang.Float val)

Methods in orbital.math with parameters of type Real
 Real Real.add(Real b)
 Complex ValueFactory.cartesian(Real a, Real b)
          Creates a new complex from cartesian coordinates.
 Complex ValueFactory.complex(Real a)
          Returns a new (real) complex whose value is equal to a + i*0.
 Complex ValueFactory.complex(Real a, Real b)
          Returns a new complex whose value is equal to a + i*b.
 Real Real.divide(Real b)
static Function NumericalAlgorithms.dSolve(BinaryFunction f, Real tau, Real eta, Real a, Real b, int steps, int order)
          Returns a numerical solution x of the one-dimensional differential equation x'(t) = f(t,x(t)), x(τ)=η on [a,b].
static Function NumericalAlgorithms.dSolve(BinaryFunction f, Real tau, Real eta, Real min, Real max, int steps, Matrix butcher)
          Returns a numerical solution x of the one-dimensional differential equation x'(t) = f(t,x(t)), x(τ)=η on [a,b].
static Function NumericalAlgorithms.dSolve(BinaryFunction f, Real tau, Vector eta, Real a, Real b, int steps, int order)
          Returns a numerical solution x of the differential equation x'(t) = f(t,x(t)), x(τ)=η on [a,b].
static Function NumericalAlgorithms.dSolve(BinaryFunction f, Real tau, Vector eta, Real min, Real max, int steps, Matrix butcher)
          Returns a numerical solution x of the differential equation x'(t) = f(t,x(t)), x(τ)=η on [a,b].
static Function AlgebraicAlgorithms.dSolve(Matrix A, Vector b, Real tau, Vector eta)
          Symbolically solves ordinary differential equation system.
 boolean Symbol.equals(java.lang.Object o, Real tolerance)
          Compares for tolerant equality.
 boolean Arithmetic.equals(java.lang.Object o, Real tolerance)
          Compares two arithmetic objects for tolerant equality.
 java.lang.String ArithmeticFormat.format(Real obj)
          Specialization of format.
 java.lang.StringBuffer ArithmeticFormat.format(Real v, java.lang.StringBuffer result, java.text.FieldPosition fieldPosition)
          Specialization of format.
static boolean MathUtilities.isin(Real value, Real lower, Real higher)
          Whether a value is in a specified range.
 Real Real.multiply(Real b)
 Complex ValueFactory.polar(Real r, Real phi)
          Creates a new complex from polar coordinates with r*eiφ.
 Real Real.power(Real b)
          Return ab.
static Function NumericalAlgorithms.splineInterpolation(int k, Matrix A, int interpolationType, Real fp_a, Real fp_b)
          Spline interpolation.
 Real Real.subtract(Real b)

Uses of Real in orbital.math.functional

Methods in orbital.math.functional with parameters of type Real
static Function Functions.step(Real t)
          step ht: A→{0,1}; x ↦ 1 if x≥t, x ↦ 0 if x<t.

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.