Orbital library

Class SymbolBase

  extended by orbital.logic.sign.SymbolBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable, Symbol, Typed, Variable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SymbolBase
extends java.lang.Object
implements Symbol, java.io.Serializable

Default representation of a syntactic symbol in a signature. A (syntactic) symbol is a triple ⟨name, spec, notation⟩ consisting of a name, its (arity and) type specification, and its notation.

André Platzer
See Also:
Serialized Form
implements Symbol, implements java.io.Serializable

Field Summary
static Type BOOLEAN_ATOM
          Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use Types.TRUTH instead.
          Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use Types.INDIVIDUAL instead.
Constructor Summary
SymbolBase(java.lang.String signifier, Type type)
          Construct a constant symbol with a signifier, and type specification.
SymbolBase(java.lang.String signifier, Type type, Notation.NotationSpecification notation)
          Construct a constant symbol with a signifier, type specification, and notation.
SymbolBase(java.lang.String signifier, Type type, Notation.NotationSpecification notation, boolean variable)
          Construct a symbol with a signifier, type specification, and notation.
Method Summary
 int compareTo(java.lang.Object o)
          Compares two symbols.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
          Compares two symbols for equality according to their three components.
 Notation.NotationSpecification getNotation()
          Get the notation used when this symbol occurs.
 java.lang.String getSignifier()
          Get the signifier representing this symbol.
 Type getType()
          Get the propert type of this object.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code value for this symbol.
 boolean isVariable()
          Whether this symbol is a variable symbol.
 void setNotation(Notation.NotationSpecification notation)
          Set the notation used when this symbol occurs.
 void setSignifier(java.lang.String signifier)
          Set the signifier representing this symbol.
 void setType(Type type)
          Set the type specification of this symbol.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Type BOOLEAN_ATOM
Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use Types.TRUTH instead.
A type specification for logical atoms of type boolean and arity 0.

convenience constant for constructor calls.


public static final Type UNIVERSAL_ATOM
Deprecated. Since Orbital1.1 use Types.INDIVIDUAL instead.
A type specification for logical atomic terms (object variables and object constants) of universal type Object and arity 0. However be aware that this is not the universal type, but only the type of terms of arity 0 mapping into object.

convenience constant for constructor calls.

Constructor Detail


public SymbolBase(java.lang.String signifier,
                  Type type,
                  Notation.NotationSpecification notation,
                  boolean variable)
Construct a symbol with a signifier, type specification, and notation.

signifier - the string representation of this symbol.
type - the type specification of this symbol.
notation - The notation used when this symbol occurs. This includes precedence and associativity information, as well. May be null for symbols with arity 0, which will be converted to the default notation specification, then.
variable - whether this is a variable symbol. true if this symbol is a variable symbol, and false if this symbol is a constant symbol.


public SymbolBase(java.lang.String signifier,
                  Type type,
                  Notation.NotationSpecification notation)
Construct a constant symbol with a signifier, type specification, and notation.

signifier - the string representation of this symbol.
type - the type specification of this symbol.
notation - The notation used when this symbol occurs. This includes precedence and associativity information, as well. May be null for symbols with arity 0, which will be converted to the default notation specification, then.


public SymbolBase(java.lang.String signifier,
                  Type type)
Construct a constant symbol with a signifier, and type specification. The notation is chosen to be the default notation specification.

signifier - the string representation of this symbol.
type - the type specification of this symbol.
Method Detail


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Compares two symbols for equality according to their three components. Two symbols are equal if they have the same signifier, type specification and notation. Then it should be asserted that they are either both variable, or both constant, because the sets of variable symbols and constant symbols are usually assumed disjunct.

Specified by:
equals in interface Symbol
equals in class java.lang.Object


public int compareTo(java.lang.Object o)
Compares two symbols.

This implementation compares for notation precedence in favor of symbol name in favor of type (lexicographical).

Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable
only semi-consistent with equals (since Notation is)


public int hashCode()
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Returns the hash code value for this symbol. The hash code of a symbol is defined to be the bitwise exclusive or of its components: signifier, type specification, and notation.

Specified by:
hashCode in interface Symbol
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String getSignifier()
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Get the signifier representing this symbol.

Synonym(!): sign (C.S.Peirce), signifier (Saussure), token. Depending upon terminology, the "name" of a symbol is known as sign, signifier or token.

Generally the three constituents - according to C.S.Peirce - of a sign are (in their special notations, and with todays most common terminology)

Specified by:
getSignifier in interface Symbol


public void setSignifier(java.lang.String signifier)
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Set the signifier representing this symbol.

Specified by:
setSignifier in interface Symbol


public Type getType()
Description copied from interface: Typed
Get the propert type of this object. Proper type means the most specific type, not only a supertype.

Specified by:
getType in interface Typed
the type τ of this expression in T(Σ)τ.


public void setType(Type type)
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Set the type specification of this symbol.

Specified by:
setType in interface Symbol
type - the type specification τ of this symbol.


public Notation.NotationSpecification getNotation()
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Get the notation used when this symbol occurs. This includes precedence and associativity information, as well. The notation is not truely part of the abstract syntax of a formal language, but still useful for formatting and parsing. For this reason, the notation is included as a non-obligate recommendation.

Specified by:
getNotation in interface Symbol
the notation used when this symbol occurs.


public void setNotation(Notation.NotationSpecification notation)
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Set the notation used when this symbol occurs. This includes precedence and associativity information, as well.

Specified by:
setNotation in interface Symbol
notation - the notation used when this symbol occurs.


public boolean isVariable()
Description copied from interface: Symbol
Whether this symbol is a variable symbol.

Note that the distinction between variable symbols and constant symbols is independent of the distinction between variable and constant interpretant functions. Especially, it is independent of the arity of this symbol.

Even though in the case of first-order logic, only object variables can occur, higher-order logic also provides function-variable symbols and predicate-variables. Then there truly is the terminologically confusing special case of variable symbols for constant functions (i.e. functions of arity 0).

Specified by:
isVariable in interface Symbol
Specified by:
isVariable in interface Variable
true if this symbol is a variable symbol, and false if this symbol is a constant symbol.
See Also:


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.