Orbital library

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Interpretation
orbital.logic.imp Defines a generic interface to (symbolic) logic systems. 
orbital.moon.logic Contains implementations of some logics as well as a logic and mathematical expression parser. 

Uses of Interpretation in orbital.logic.imp

Classes in orbital.logic.imp that implement Interpretation
 class InterpretationBase
          A basic interpretation implementation.

Methods in orbital.logic.imp that return Interpretation
 Interpretation Logic.coreInterpretation()
          Get the core interpretation which is fixed for this logic.
static Interpretation InterpretationBase.EMPTY(Signature sigma)
          The empty interpretation ∅ for the given signature.
 Interpretation InterpretationBase.union(Interpretation i2)
 Interpretation Interpretation.union(Interpretation i2)
          Returns the union of two interpretations.
static Interpretation InterpretationBase.unmodifiableInterpretation(Interpretation i)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified interpretation.

Methods in orbital.logic.imp with parameters of type Interpretation
 boolean Logic.satisfy(Interpretation I, Formula F)
          Defines the semantic satisfaction relation ⊧.
 Interpretation InterpretationBase.union(Interpretation i2)
 Interpretation Interpretation.union(Interpretation i2)
          Returns the union of two interpretations.
static Interpretation InterpretationBase.unmodifiableInterpretation(Interpretation i)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified interpretation.

Uses of Interpretation in orbital.moon.logic

Methods in orbital.moon.logic that return Interpretation
 Interpretation ModalLogic.coreInterpretation()
 Interpretation FuzzyLogic.coreInterpretation()
 Interpretation ClassicalLogic.coreInterpretation()

Methods in orbital.moon.logic with parameters of type Interpretation
 boolean ModalLogic.satisfy(Interpretation I, Formula F)
 boolean FuzzyLogic.satisfy(Interpretation I, Formula F)
 boolean ClassicalLogic.satisfy(Interpretation I, Formula F)

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.