Orbital library

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Predicate
orbital.logic.functor Contains template interfaces for logic functors like Predicates and Functions that can be used for generalized call-back, and functional operations based upon them. 
orbital.logic.sign.type Defines interfaces for general type systems. 
orbital.logic.trs Provides a term rewrite system (TRS) mechanism with substitution and unification. 
orbital.math Defines arithmetic objects and provides mathematical algorithms. 
orbital.math.functional Contains mathematical functors and extended functional operations. 
orbital.moon.awt Implementation of extended Bean, AWT and GUI Add-ons along with useful applet to application converters. 
orbital.util Provides basic utility classes useful to ease several programming tasks. 

Uses of Predicate in orbital.logic.functor

Subinterfaces of Predicate in orbital.logic.functor
static interface Predicate.Composite
          A composed Predicate.

Methods in orbital.logic.functor that return Predicate
static Predicate Functionals.bind(BinaryPredicate P)
          Binds both arguments of a BinaryPredicate together.
static Predicate Functionals.bindFirst(BinaryPredicate P, java.lang.Object x)
          Binds the first argument of a BinaryPredicate to a fixed value.
static Predicate Functionals.bindSecond(BinaryPredicate P, java.lang.Object y)
          Binds the second argument of a BinaryPredicate to a fixed value.
static Predicate Functionals.onVoid(VoidPredicate p)
          Applies a predicate on the void argument, ignoring all arguments.

Methods in orbital.logic.functor with parameters of type Predicate
static Function Functionals.asFunction(Predicate p)
          converts a predicate to a function.
static VoidPredicate Functionals.bind(Predicate P, java.lang.Object a)
          Binds the argument of a Predicate to a fixed value.
static Predicate.Composite Functionals.compose(Predicate P, Function g)
          compose: ℘(B)×Map(A,B)→℘(A); (P,g) ↦ P ∘ g := P(g).
static VoidPredicate.Composite Functionals.compose(Predicate P, VoidFunction g)
          compose: ℘(B)×Map({()},B)→℘({()}); (P,g) ↦ P ∘ g := P(g).
static java.lang.Object Functionals.envelope(java.lang.Object c, BinaryFunction f, Function g, Predicate p, java.lang.Object a)
          envelope [[(c,f),(g,p)]] a.
static java.util.List Functionals.lense(Function g, Predicate p, java.lang.Object b)
          lense |(g,p)| b.
static BinaryPredicate Functionals.onFirst(Predicate p)
          Applies a predicate on the first argument, ignoring the second.
static BinaryPredicate Functionals.onSecond(Predicate p)
          Applies a predicate on the second argument, ignoring the first.

Constructors in orbital.logic.functor with parameters of type Predicate
Functionals.Anamorphism(Function g, Predicate p)
          Constructs a new anamorphism |(g,p)|:B→A*.
Functionals.Hylomorphism(java.lang.Object c, BinaryFunction f, Function g, Predicate p)
          Constructs a new hylomorphism [[(c,f),(g,p)]]:A→C.

Uses of Predicate in orbital.logic.sign.type

Subinterfaces of Predicate in orbital.logic.sign.type
 interface Type
          Representation of a type.
static interface Type.Composite
          The base interface for all composite types that are composed of other types.

Uses of Predicate in orbital.logic.trs

Methods in orbital.logic.trs with parameters of type Predicate
static Substitution.Matcher Substitutions.createSingleSidedMatcher(java.lang.Object pattern, java.lang.Object substitute, Predicate condition)
          Create a new single sided matcher with unification that performs a substitution under a given condition.

Uses of Predicate in orbital.math

Fields in orbital.math declared as Predicate
static Predicate Real.hasType
          Checks whether the given number is in the set of reals and not a subset.
static Predicate Rational.hasType
          Checks whether the given number is in the set of rationals and not a subset.
static Predicate Integer.hasType
          Checks whether the given number is in the set of integers and not a subset.
static Predicate Complex.hasType
          Checks whether the given number is a proper complex, i.e.
static Predicate Symbol.isa
          Checks whether the given arithmetic object is a symbol.
static Predicate Scalar.isa
          Checks whether the given arithmetic object is a number.
static Predicate Real.isa
          Checks whether the given number is in the set of reals.
static Predicate Rational.isa
          Checks whether the given number is in the set of rationals.
static Predicate Integer.isa
          Checks whether the given number is in the set of integers.
static Predicate Complex.isa
          Checks whether the given number is in the set of complex numbers.
static Predicate Arithmetic.numerical
          Checks recursively whether the given arithmetic object is a numerical quantity, i.e., involves Real numerical approximations somewhere.

Uses of Predicate in orbital.math.functional

Methods in orbital.math.functional that return Predicate
static Predicate Functionals.not(Predicate p)
          Negates predicates

Methods in orbital.math.functional with parameters of type Predicate
static Predicate Functionals.not(Predicate p)
          Negates predicates
static Function Functions.piecewise(Predicate[] cond, Function[] value)
          Get a function defined piecewise.

Uses of Predicate in orbital.moon.awt

Classes in orbital.moon.awt that implement Predicate
 class Closer
          If Closer is registered to a component, it will automatically close it on user requests.

Fields in orbital.moon.awt declared as Predicate
protected  Predicate SystemRequestor.request

Constructors in orbital.moon.awt with parameters of type Predicate
SystemRequestor(Predicate requestReactor)
          Construct a SystemRequestor calling the given predicate on interrupt and abort requests.
SystemRequestor(Predicate requestReactor, java.awt.Component comp)
          Construct a SystemRequestor calling the given predicate on interrupt and abort requests.

Uses of Predicate in orbital.util

Methods in orbital.util with parameters of type Predicate
static boolean Setops.all(java.util.Collection coll, Predicate found)
          Checks whether all objects in a collection satisfy the specified predicate.
static boolean Setops.all(java.util.Iterator i, Predicate found)
static int Setops.count(java.util.Collection coll, Predicate cond)
          Counts the number of objects in a collection that satisfy the specified predicate.
static int Setops.count(java.util.Iterator i, Predicate cond)
static Function Setops.createSelection(Function what, Predicate where, java.util.Comparator orderBy, boolean asc)
          Creates a sophisticated selection filter.
static Function Setops.createSelection(Predicate where)
static java.lang.Object Setops.epsilon(java.util.Collection coll, Predicate found)
          Return any element of a collection that satisfies the specified predicate.
static java.lang.Object Setops.find(java.util.Collection coll, Predicate found)
          Return the first object in a collection that satisfies the specified predicate.
static java.lang.Object Setops.find(java.util.Iterator i, Predicate found)
static boolean Utility.forallMembers(java.lang.Object o, Predicate pred)
          Applies a Predicate to all member fields of an object, as long as the predicate returns true.
static boolean Utility.forallPublicMembers(java.lang.Object o, Predicate pred)
          Applies a Predicate to all public member fields of an object, as long as the predicate returns true.
static java.util.Collection Setops.select(Function what, java.util.Collection from, Predicate where)
static java.util.Collection Setops.select(Function what, java.util.Collection from, Predicate where, java.util.Comparator orderBy, boolean asc)
          Select filter operation.
static boolean Setops.some(java.util.Collection coll, Predicate found)
          Checks whether some objects (at least one) in a collection satisfy the specified predicate.
static boolean Setops.some(java.util.Iterator i, Predicate found)

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.