Orbital library

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TransitionModel
orbital.algorithm.template A framework for general algorithmic evaluation schemes including search and planning algorithms. 

Uses of TransitionModel in orbital.algorithm.template

Subinterfaces of TransitionModel in orbital.algorithm.template
 interface GeneralSearchProblem
          Hook class for GeneralSearch algorithm.
 interface MarkovDecisionProblem
          Hook class for MarkovDecisionProcess algorithm.

Classes in orbital.algorithm.template that implement TransitionModel
 class DelegateGeneralSearchProblem
          Delegates to a GeneralSearchProblem.
 class OpenClosedGeneralSearchProblem
          GeneralSearchProblem wrapper keeping track of open and closed sets.

Constructors in orbital.algorithm.template with parameters of type TransitionModel
TransitionPath(TransitionModel transition, java.util.Iterator actions, java.lang.Object initialState)
          Create a new (randomized) path through a transition model.

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.