Interface GreedyProblem
- Type Parameters:
- the type of individual candidates.
- All Superinterfaces:
- AlgorithmicProblem
public interface GreedyProblem
- extends AlgorithmicProblem
Hook class for Greedy Algorithms.
Let U⊆℘(C) be a family of subsets of a finite set C.
Further let w:C→R be the weighting function (usually w≥0).
- filtered system
(C,U) is called a "filtered" system of sets, if
Note: filtered systems here are just the contrary to filters in the topological sense.
- matroid
A filtered system of sets (C,U) is called a matroid, if
it satisfies the exchange property
- ∀A,B∈U (|A|<|B| → ∃x∈B∖A A∪{x}∈U)
- weight of a set
The total weight of the set M∈U is
w(M) := ∑m∈M w(m)
The optimization problem belonging to a filtered system (C,U) and
a weighting function w:C→R
is to find a maximal (according to ⊆) set M*∈U
with optimal weight
w(M*) = maxM∈U w(M)
Let (C,U) be a filtered system of sets.
The Greedy-Algorithm finds an optimal solution for
each weighting function w:C→R,
if and only if (C,U) is a matroid.
Even if (C,U) is not a matroid,
the greedy algorithm may still find optimal solutions for some,
but not for all weighting functions w:C→R.
If in fact, a greedy algorithm does not even yield an optimal solution, it may nevertheless
be a good heuristic.
However note that some very simple greedy algorithms may be more intuitive if formulated
in a single implementation method rather than encapsulated in an instance of GreedyProblem.
- Author:
- André Platzer
- See Also:
Method Summary |
java.util.List |
get the initial set of candidates. |
Function |
getWeightingFor(java.util.List choices)
Get an objective function. |
boolean |
isPartialSolution(java.util.List choices)
Test whether the given list of choices still is a valid (partial) solution. |
boolean |
isSolution(java.util.List choices)
Check whether the given list of choices is a valid solution to the problem. |
java.util.List |
nextCandidates(java.util.List candidates)
Get the next set of candidates. |
java.util.List |
nextPartialSolution(java.util.List choices,
java.lang.Object new_choice)
Extends the choices with a new_choice if that is feasible, otherwise nothing is changed. |
java.util.List getInitialCandidates()
- get the initial set of candidates.
- Returns:
- the initial set of candidates, usually C.
- See Also:
- Preconditions:
- true
- Postconditions:
- RES is the initial alternative candidates for the solution.
java.util.List nextPartialSolution(java.util.List choices,
java.lang.Object new_choice)
- Extends the choices with a new_choice if that is feasible, otherwise nothing is changed.
- Parameters:
- the valid partial solution M.new_choice
- the new choice x with maximum local weight.
- Returns:
- usually M∪{x}, the choices extended by the new_choice
- See Also:
- Preconditions:
- choices is a valid partial solution, new_choice has maximum local weight.
- Postconditions:
- RES new solution value that includes new_choice if feasible.
Usually RES=choices∪{new_choice}.
boolean isPartialSolution(java.util.List choices)
- Test whether the given list of choices still is a valid (partial) solution.
- Parameters:
- a list M of partial solution values.
- Returns:
- whether M∈U, i.e.
whether M is independent and thus an admissible partial solution.
- See Also:
- Postconditions:
- RES indicates whether valid partial solution
java.util.List nextCandidates(java.util.List candidates)
- Get the next set of candidates.
If the list of candidates does not change this method can simply return candidates.
- Parameters:
- remaining set of candidates C not yet considered.
- Returns:
- the next alternative candidates for the solution.
For strict matroids simply C.
- See Also:
- Preconditions:
- candidates are the current alternative candidates for the solution.
boolean isSolution(java.util.List choices)
- Check whether the given list of choices is a valid solution to the problem.
- See Also:
- Preconditions:
- no more alternative candidatess or isPartialSolution is no longer true.
- Postconditions:
- RES indicates whether we found a solution to the problem
Function getWeightingFor(java.util.List choices)
- Get an objective function.
This objective function will be maximized which means that
objects with a higher objective value are strictly preferred.
If the weighting function never changes for this problem, consider using a singleton
instead of creating a new one on each call. This will increase efficiency.
- Parameters:
- the current situation of choices.
- Returns:
- the objective weighting function w:C→R on the candidates.
- Preconditions:
- choices is a valid partial solution.
- Postconditions:
- RES the objective weighting function for the current situation of choices
which will only be referenced until the next call of this function.
Usually w≥0.
- Note:
- if this problem is a matroid, greedy will find a soltuion for any weighting function w.
So we could set the weighting function in Greedy, directly, then.
Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.