Orbital library

Interface GeneticAlgorithmProblem

All Superinterfaces:

public interface GeneticAlgorithmProblem
extends AlgorithmicProblem

Hook class for problems solved by GeneticAlgorithm.

Prior to using a genetic algorithm to solve a problem you need to decide:

  1. Which genetic representation to use for the members in state space.
  2. What fitness-evaluation to use as an objective function to maximize and guide search.
  3. Perhaps, define customized reproduction operators for the gene representation, in order to support convergence with domain knowledge.
  4. Decide which selection function to apply.
These decisions characterizing a problem are encapsulated by an implementation of GeneticAlgorithmProblem.

André Platzer
See Also:
GeneticAlgorithm, GeneralSearchProblem

Method Summary
 Function getEvaluation()
          Get the evaluation objective function.
 Population getPopulation()
          Generate (create) the initial population of genomes.
 boolean isSolution(Population pop)
          Check whether the given population of choices is a valid solution to the problem.

Method Detail


Function getEvaluation()
Get the evaluation objective function. Specifies the algorithm for evaluating of a Genome's fitness.

A genetic algorithm will maximize this objective function.

See Also:


Population getPopulation()
Generate (create) the initial population of genomes.

the initial population created with an initial set of problem-specific genomes defining the genetic representation for the members in the state space.
See Also:
Population.create(Genome, int)


boolean isSolution(Population pop)
Check whether the given population of choices is a valid solution to the problem.

whether we found a solution to the problem. Often implemented with a convergence criterion.
partialSolutions resulted in repeated calls of solve after a single call to getInitialPartialSolutions.
RES indicates whether we found a solution to the problem

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.